Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Yeah... I haven't updated in forever. Things got busy with my friends wedding and what not.

I'll be starting up this blog in a few days. I'm currently playing with one of the original Tamagotchi's. Once I have some more pictures and my Tamagotchi grows a bit I'll post an update. ^_^

Not that anyone has really looked here much yet. T_T


  1. There might not be much here yet, but this seems like a cool blog so far- Tamagotchis are really nifty, and I used to have a bunch of them, too, especially the knockoff ones! I had this one that started as a dog and could turn into any animal for no reason that was awesome. ^^ At K-Mart, they usually have these weird three dollar ones with iffy clocks that are both fun and awful at the same time, in cute pastel eggs.

    Anyway, this is sort of off your blog's topic, but thanks so much for the e-mail! I've wanted to make some new FFX patterns for ages, so let me know what size and style you want Auron in and I'll get working on it! Also, I'd love to feature your Perler of Bill on my blog, if that's okay! I was so excited to see that someone made him that it makes me want to go and make more of the characters now. ^^

  2. This feels a bit spammy, so I hope you don't mind! Thanks for getting back to me! I'll do my best to make a cool, similarly sized pattern of Auron- I might look at some old school RPGs and see if I can make a sprite like that for him, since that's fun, and I'm about to do my Pokemon Monday post, so I'll write about your perler of Bill *very* soon! ^^ Thank you again~!
